The Witcher Fanon Wikia
50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, Dol Glas, was written by Witcher190. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.

Dol Glas ( translated from Elvish : Blue Valley ), also known as the Blauwe Valley, is a valley located in the highlands of the Nilfgaardian province of Nazair, where the famous blue roses of Nazair originally came from.


Prior to the arrival of the Nordlings to The Continent, the valley that later would be known as Dol Glas or the Blauwe Valley, was first discovered by the Aen Seidhe elves who would establish their settlement in the region that would eventually become Toussaint. They bestowed upon it the name Dol Glas, a literal translation of "the blue valley," owing to the profusion of striking blue roses that starkly contrasted with the rugged, desolate terrain that would later define the interior of the future kingdom and province of Nazair. Little did they foresee that this name, despite enduring conflicts with humans, would stand the test of time.

Following the influx of humans and the ensuing conflicts with the elves, the valley fell under the dominion of the Nazairi clan known as the Blauwe Clan, acquiring a secondary name by which it would be recognized in the region. For an extended period, the clan held sway over the valley. Observing how the captivating blue roses captured the attention of the few merchants who ventured into the heart of Nazair, they began to market them at a premium, amassing the resources they sorely lacked and solidifying their status as a notably powerful clan.

However, this prosperity was short-lived. Since, during a conflict between clans, the merchants supplying weapons to the Blauwe Clan, prompted by the clan's financial woes, opted to appropriate a couple of cuttings as payment for their armaments. They later endeavored to cultivate the roses in locations such as the coast, ultimately giving rise to a variety distinguished by subtle purple hues at the tips of the petals. These flowers demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability, shattering the once-unassailable monopoly of the Blauwe Clan.

As a consequence, the clan's influence began to wane, ultimately leading to their decline and eventual demise. The Blauwe Clan met its final end during the Nazair rebellion, in which they allied with the coastal nobles in opposition to the Nilfgaardian Empire.

With the Blauwe Clan no longer in existence, the valley was left entirely abandoned, serving solely as a thoroughfare, and the homes of the former clan, being periodically occupied by bands of bandits.


  • This place emerged as part of a role-playing session. Feel free to expand the information and add yourself in the writer's tag.


  • Glas means blue in Welsh.
  • Blauwe means blue in Dutch.