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Arbhajin is the capital of the Jasha Republic, situated in a basin between two high mountains. With a population of around 150,000, it represents a small proportion of the national population due to the Republic's decentralized society. The city is known for its well-maintained, wide roads designed to accommodate large caravans, facilitating trade and transportation. The city center is dominated by a large bazaar, for which Arbhajin is famous. Additionally, Arbhajin serves as the most important northern base for the Route of Colors.




Most district names in Arbhajin are loan translations of location names from the island of Tawarisi in the Tuyotuki Islands, named by Sukuna, the first leader of the Republic.


According to scholars in Arbhajin, "Maruvíś" originally meant "Village in the Wilderness." It is one of the major residential districts in the city. The residents mainly consist of movable felt tents or the low wooden house.


The original meaning of "Dvaxupari" is uknown, but it may be derived from the location name in Tawarisi. This area is the located in the slope of the hill. This distinct is well-knwon as a educational, sport and cultural zone, Hausōs Magical Academy, museum and liberary are located on this distinct.


"ViltaKāṣṭha" translates to "The Covering Tree." This district is bustling with activity, featuring apothecaries, artisan workshops, food processing factories specializing in dairy and bean products, and a small vegetable oil refinery. The central bazaar is located nearby. ViltaKāṣṭha also houses important governmental institutions, including the Ministry of Diplomacy, the Supreme Court, and the National Assembly. In the outskirts, there is a palace of Sukuna.




The majority of Arbhajin's residents are Jashanians, an ethnic group born from the intermingling of various human and non-human races. They speak Jashani, a creole language derived from the diverse languages spoken throughout the Republic.


